begin with what this website is NOT and will never attempt to be:
Official. Instead, it is an interested collector's outside view of one
of the oldest micronations in the world. As the Elleore 'project' is
remarkable in many ways and official information is mostly available in
Danish only, this website tries to make more of it accessible to
collectors and others.
This outside view is necessarily
incomplete and prone to misinterpretation for lack of knowledge of
1. the intricacies of the Danish language and
2. what goes on 'inside' Elleore first hand.
Therefore, please contact me if you
can correct errors and misunderstandings and also if you can help to
fill in the gaps.
main reason for this website is to showcase my very own catalogues for
Elleore postage stamps, Christmas labels, coins and banknotes.
Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser
Website und aller ihrer Unterseiten ist:
Bernhard Lürßen - Hannover

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